State-of-the-art pharmaceutical plant
The construction of a new plant designed and manufactured by Astron Buildings for the international pharmaceutical producer Takeda has now been completed.
Takeda’s portfolio focuses on branded medicines for gastroenterology, respiratory and inflammatory diseases, and pain, osteoporosis and tissue management. It also has a range of OTC products.
The pharmaceutical plant manufactures liquid sterile products (ampoules and vials) and solid medicines (tablets), including actovegin, cardiomagnyl and calcium tablets, for the Russian medical market and manufactures around 90 million sterile ampoules and more than two billion tablets a year during the first phase of production.
The plant meets international production requirements and adheres to the highest environmental standards.
Astron delivered all the buildings for this complex, with a total ground surface of 23,800m²: four multi-storey buildings (production, packaging, administration, pipe bridge), one single-storey building for high storage and five support buildings (gatehouse, solvent storage, heating, an electric station, and water neutralization). This ambitious project was completed on time and on budget.
> Pharmaceutical -
> 23,800 m² -
> Takeda -
> Complex of 10 Aston buildings